Hi there, my name is Aldora Wang from Beijing, China. I am currently a BFA senior student at Parsons School of Design majoring in Design and Technology. I started the project Unconstrained Creation 101 because of my appreciation for children's creativity in art.
大家好,我是王芊多娃,你也可以叫我阿朵拉,我来自中国北京。我目前是一名大四学生,就读于帕森斯设计学院,学习交互设计。 我开始无拘束的创作101这项目是因为我喜欢和欣赏儿童的艺术的创造力。
Unconstrained Creation 101 is a web-based, interactive, and communicative project that cherishes and supports children's artistic creations and provides an opportunity to showcase children's artwork.
Generator and Facial Recognition
Children's drawings have many characteristics. Although juvenile, they are meaningful and have their own styles. The children's art is a conscious or unconscious expression of the young artist, in other words, their art creation can reflect themselves and their feelings.
However, not all kids get opportunities to share and not all works get the appreciation they deserve. Instead of not paying attention or judging from an adult perspective, people should learn and understand children’s art with an attitude of appreciation. I hope all of us adore, appreciate, and support children’s art.
This website gives children the opportunity to exhibit their artwork and accepts submissions. If you or your children are interested in showing your artwork to a wider audience, please contact email aldorawang116@163.com.
这个网站让儿童有机会展示他们的艺术作品,并接受更多投稿。如果你或你的孩子有兴趣向更多人展示艺术作品,请联系电子邮件 aldorawang116@163.com。
The children’s drawing portrait generator, a part of the project, is a collaboration with the children from Aimei’s Time Art Studio. They are Zihan Fei, Qing Ge, Lixuan Lu, Puhan Sun, Jiayi Wan, Yuanqi Wang, and Wanying Zhao. Wenjiu Sun and Meng Yang are teachers and facilitators who helped me contact and arrange meetings. Doudou Ma, Dodo Ma and, Qianxi Zhang are also involved in the generator project.
Project Poster
Aimei's Time Art Studio is primarily designed to teach children how to draw and paint. However, it is not just an art studio, it is a community that gathers hundreds of people. There are people from different generations growing together, appreciating and supporting each other. We hope the studio can be like a plant that performs photosynthesis, has a direction and has possibilities. Right, in time, to the sun.
Through facial recognition, the generator will randomly generate a unique and colorful portrait for the user. The portrait belongs to the user and the creators. The goal of this portrait generator is to give both kids and adults a playful experience and to bring the creators and the audience closer together.
Paper Prototype
The facial elements that assembled the portraits are materials adapted from real children’s drawings. During the process, I invited three children Doudou Ma, Duoduo Ma, and Qianxi Zhang with me to make paper prototypes. The making experience was playful and the prototype outcome was fun to look at. Later, I invited the children from Aimei’s Time Art Studio to participate in the portrait generator project, and we communicated and created through Tencent meetings.
Paper and Digital Version of Puhan Sun's Drawing
Most of the young artists drew their element materials on paper. Then, I organized and converted the submitted materials into digital versions and put them into the children’s drawing portrait generator, which randomizes portraits for the audience.
Installation sketch
The portrait generator is written in P5.js sketch and uses clmtrackr which is a javascript library for fitting facial models into faces in videos or images and is distributed under the MIT License. The portrait generator is not only showing online but also will be showing locally through an interactive installation during the thesis show at Parsons School of Design.
人像生成器是用P5.js sketch编写的,并使用了clmtrackr,这是一个在MIT许可下发布的javascript库,用于在视频或图像中拟合面部模型。儿童画肖像生成器不仅在网上展示,还将在帕森斯设计学院的毕业设计展览期间通过互动装置展示。
Installation process photo
Please respect all the artworks exhibited here, and do not use or alter children’s art creations for any purposes without permission. We encourage you to use the generated portraits for non-commercial purposes, for example as social media avatars or as wallpapers. For any questions you have or would like to contact an individual artist, please email me at aldorawang116@163.com.
Thank you to all the children who participate in this project, and a special thank you to Wenjiu Sun, Meng Yang from the studio, and my thesis professors Melanie Crean, Charles Huang, Ernesto Klar, Benjamin Norskov, Xin Xin, and Or Zubalsky.
在这里感谢所有参与这个项目的小朋友们、来自画室的孙文九和杨萌老师,以及我的毕业设计教授们 Melanie Crean, Charles Huang, Ernesto Klar, Benjamin Norskov, Xin Xin, 和 Or Zubalsky。